The New ChatGPT: Lessons in AI Hype and Realities

The latest version of ChatGPT has captured significant attention with its promise of revolutionary features like real-time analysis and enhanced voice capabilities. However, despite the initial excitement, the new ChatGPT reveals some crucial lessons about AI hype and reality. In this post, we’ll explore the features, shortcomings, and the broader implications for consumers navigating the evolving landscape of artificial intelligence.

New ChatGPT
Discover the new ChatGPT’s features and limitations. Learn valuable lessons about AI hype vs. reality. Stay informed before investing in the latest tech.

The New ChatGPT: Lessons in AI Hype and Realities

1. The Hype Around the New ChatGPT

Promising New Features: Voice Capabilities and Real-Time Analysis

When OpenAI introduced the latest iteration of its popular ChatGPT chatbot, the excitement was palpable. The new ChatGPT was touted as a game-changer, featuring advanced voice capabilities that could mimic human inflections and emotions. One of the most anticipated features was the bot’s ability to perform real-time analysis using a phone’s video camera. This promised to revolutionize tasks like solving complex math problems or offering instant feedback on various visual inputs.

Initial Demonstrations: Showcasing Humanlike Inflections and Tutoring Abilities

During the unveiling, OpenAI showcased the new ChatGPT’s capabilities through an impressive online demonstration. The chatbot not only conversed with humanlike inflections but also displayed a nuanced emotional range. A particularly captivating segment featured the bot tutoring a child on a geometry problem, seamlessly guiding them through each step of the solution. This demonstration highlighted the potential for ChatGPT to be an effective educational tool, sparking high expectations among educators and tech enthusiasts alike.

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In essence, the new ChatGPT appeared poised to set a new standard in AI-driven communication and real-time problem-solving, elevating user interactions to unprecedented levels of sophistication and utility.

2. The Reality of the New ChatGPT

Postponed Features: Voice and Real-Time Analysis Delayed

Despite the initial excitement surrounding the new ChatGPT, the reality fell short of the hype. OpenAI announced that several of the highly anticipated features, including the improved voice capabilities and real-time analysis using a phone’s video camera, would be postponed. The company cited the need to make necessary fixes as the reason for the delay. This meant that users who were eager to experience these groundbreaking features had to wait longer, dampening the initial enthusiasm.

Voice Controversy: The Scarlett Johansson Incident

Adding to the disappointment, the voice capabilities that were briefly available sparked controversy. Some users noted that one of the voices sounded remarkably similar to actress Scarlett Johansson. Following her threat of legal action, OpenAI deactivated this voice and replaced it with a different female voice. This incident not only delayed the rollout of the promised voice features but also highlighted potential legal and ethical challenges in developing AI with humanlike characteristics.

Read Also: GPT-4o Features Unveiled: Empowering Free ChatGPT Users

The launch of the new ChatGPT, thus, turned into a lesson in managing expectations. While the promise of advanced features created significant buzz, the actual release underscored the complexities and hurdles in bringing such innovations to market. This gap between promise and delivery serves as a reminder to consumers to approach new AI technologies with a degree of skepticism and patience.

3. What’s Actually Available?

Photo Uploads and Analysis: Current Functionalities

Despite the delays and controversies, the new ChatGPT does offer some tangible improvements. One of the most notable features currently available is the ability to upload photos for the bot to analyze. This functionality allows users to seek assistance on a variety of tasks by simply providing an image. For example, users can upload photos of geometry problems, and ChatGPT will attempt to solve them. While it has shown competence with simpler problems, it still struggles with more complex challenges.

Language Translation: Real-Time Translation Capabilities

Another feature that has been successfully rolled out is real-time language translation. The new ChatGPT can translate text from one language to another quickly and accurately. This feature has proven useful for users needing immediate translations for conversational phrases and practical applications. However, it should be noted that while the translations are generally accurate, the bot’s ability to mimic native accents still requires improvement.

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Currently, these functionalities represent the primary advancements of the new ChatGPT. Users can benefit from quicker and more coherent responses and real-time translations, but the more hyped features, like advanced voice interactions and real-time video analysis, remain in development. This partial delivery of promised features highlights the ongoing process of refinement and improvement in AI technology, reminding users to temper their expectations and appreciate the incremental progress.

4. Performance Review

Language Skills: Successes and Limitations

In evaluating the new ChatGPT, its language skills are a mixed bag. The bot excels in real-time language translation, effectively converting phrases from one language to another. This feature is particularly useful for conversational purposes and basic communication needs. Moreover, the chatbot also performs well as an editor, quickly and efficiently removing excessive words and jargon from paragraphs. However, despite these strengths, the voice capabilities remain underwhelming as the improved voice features have been delayed, and the current voice lacks the humanlike inflections initially promised.

Math and Physics: Struggles and Errors

The new ChatGPT’s performance in math and physics is less impressive. While it can handle simple problems, it often falters with more complex ones. For example, when tasked with solving geometry problems, it correctly answered simpler questions but struggled with more difficult ones, such as those involving intersecting triangles. In a notable test, a high school physics teacher found that ChatGPT made several logical mistakes on an Advanced Placement Calculus problem involving a man on a swing. Although the bot could correct itself with feedback, this reliance on user input for accuracy is a significant limitation, especially for students who may not be able to identify these errors.

Read Also: ChatGPT-powered search engine: OpenAI’s Challenge to Google

Reasoning Abilities: Mixed Results in Logical Tasks

OpenAI has claimed improvements in ChatGPT’s reasoning abilities, but real-world tests show mixed results. When asked to generate a “Where’s Waldo?” puzzle, the bot misunderstood the concept, initially creating an oversized Waldo that was easy to spot. Further tests by AI researcher Subbarao Kambhampati revealed that the chatbot still struggled with logical puzzles. For instance, it incorrectly solved a problem involving stacking blocks without moving one of them, a task that required basic logical reasoning. While ChatGPT could sometimes correct itself after feedback, this dependency on external correction is contrary to the ideal of autonomous AI reasoning.

In summary, the new ChatGPT shows incremental improvements in certain areas like language translation and editing, but significant challenges remain in its math, physics, and reasoning abilities. These limitations indicate that while there are promising advancements, the technology is still far from achieving the level of sophistication and reliability suggested by the initial hype.

5. AI Industry Trends

Premature Releases: Why AI Companies Rush to Market

The new ChatGPT’s rollout is part of a broader trend in the AI industry, where companies frequently release products in a premature state. This strategy is driven by the desire to get users to interact with the technology, thereby providing valuable data and feedback to refine and improve it. Unlike traditional tech products, where what you see is what you get, AI products often come with a glimpse of potential future capabilities. For instance, the new ChatGPT’s promised features like advanced voice capabilities and real-time analysis were showcased but not immediately available, demonstrating this trend.

Another example is the $700 AI Pin from the startup Humane, backed by OpenAI’s CEO, Sam Altman. The AI Pin was heavily criticized for its premature release, as it frequently overheated and delivered nonsensical responses. Similarly, Meta’s recent addition of an AI chatbot to its apps faced backlash for poor performance in tasks like web searches for plane tickets, illustrating the pitfalls of rushing AI products to market without thorough testing and development.

Consumer Impact: The Confusion and Frustration from Half-Baked Products

The trend of releasing underdeveloped AI products has significant implications for consumers. It leads to confusion and frustration as users encounter tools that fail to perform as advertised. The new ChatGPT is a case in point: users expected revolutionary features based on initial demonstrations but were met with a product that only partially delivered on those promises. This disparity between expectation and reality can erode trust in AI technologies and companies.

Consumers are advised to approach new AI technologies with caution, resisting the urge to invest in underbaked products until there is clear evidence of their functionality and reliability. Companies like OpenAI argue that iterative releases help improve the technology through real-world use and feedback. However, this approach places the burden of dealing with incomplete products on the consumers, who may find themselves unwitting beta testers rather than users of a finished, reliable product.

In conclusion, the AI industry’s tendency to rush products to market without fully developed features can be seen with the new ChatGPT and other recent AI offerings. This trend highlights the importance for consumers to maintain a healthy skepticism, manage their expectations, and carefully consider the functionality and maturity of AI products before investing in them.


The release of the new ChatGPT underscores a vital lesson in the AI industry: the disparity between hype and reality. While there are incremental improvements, significant challenges remain. As consumers, we must approach AI advancements with a critical eye, ensuring that we invest in technologies that deliver on their promises. The journey of AI is ongoing, and while the best may be yet to come, caution is our best companion.


1. What are the new features of the latest ChatGPT?

  • A: The latest ChatGPT offers real-time language translation and the ability to analyze uploaded photos, though many anticipated features like improved voice capabilities are delayed.

2. Why were some features of ChatGPT postponed?

  • A: OpenAI delayed the release of some features to make necessary fixes, such as the improved voice capabilities which needed further refinement.

3. How does ChatGPT perform in language translation?

  • A: ChatGPT excels at real-time language translation, though there are minor issues with accent accuracy in some languages.

4. Is the new ChatGPT reliable for solving math problems?

  • A: While there are improvements, ChatGPT still struggles with more complex math problems and logical reasoning tasks.

5. What should consumers consider before investing in new AI technology?

  • A: Consumers should be cautious, avoid buying into hype, and ensure that the technology has proven its capabilities in real-world applications before investing.

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