What’s the Difference Between Proxy and VPN?


In today’s digital landscape, the terms “Proxy” and “VPN” are frequently mentioned in discussions about online privacy and security. What do they specifically involve, and what sets them apart? Understanding the nuances between these two tools is paramount in safeguarding your online activities.

Proxy servers and Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) both serve to enhance your online experience and bolster your privacy. While they share similarities, they operate differently, each with its own set of advantages and limitations.

In this article, we’ll explore the fundamental workings of proxy and VPN server, dissecting their key differences and outlining when each is most suitable. Whether you’re seeking faster browsing speeds, heightened security, or unrestricted access to online content, this guide will equip you with the knowledge to make informed decisions in navigating the digital realm. Let’s dive in.

Proxy and VPN
Proxy and VPN

How Proxy Works

Proxy servers play a crucial role in facilitating internet communication by acting as intermediaries between your device and the websites you visit. Understanding how they function is essential for grasping their utility in enhancing online privacy and access. Here’s an in-depth exploration of how proxies operate:

When you connect to the internet through a proxy server, your web traffic doesn’t directly communicate with the destination server. Instead, it first passes through the proxy server, which then forwards your requests to the target website on your behalf. This process effectively masks your IP address, the unique identifier of your device, replacing it with the IP address of the proxy server.

Types of Proxies:

  1. HTTP Proxies: These proxies are specifically designed to handle HTTP traffic, making them suitable for web browsing. They intercept and relay HTTP requests, allowing users to access websites while concealing their IP addresses.
  2. SOCKS Proxies: SOCKS proxies operate at a lower level than HTTP proxies, capable of handling various types of internet traffic, including TCP and UDP protocols. They offer more versatility but may require additional configuration for specific applications.
  3. Transparent Proxies: Transparent proxies function without modifying user requests, making them ideal for organizations implementing content filtering or caching. While they don’t provide anonymity, they can improve network performance by caching frequently accessed content.

Each type of proxy serves distinct purposes, catering to different user requirements. Whether you’re seeking anonymity, improved browsing speeds, or circumventing geo-restrictions, choosing the right proxy type is crucial.

Proxy vs VPN
Proxy and VPN

How VPN Works

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) provide a secure and private pathway to the internet by establishing a virtual tunnel between your device and the VPN server. This section will delve into the intricate workings of VPNs, elucidating the encryption and tunneling techniques that underpin their functionality.


At the core of VPN technology lies encryption, a process of encoding data to prevent unauthorized access. When you connect to a VPN server, your device encrypts all outgoing data packets using advanced encryption algorithms. This encrypted data is then transmitted through the virtual tunnel established between your device and the VPN server.

The encryption process ensures that even if your internet traffic is intercepted by malicious entities, it remains indecipherable and secure. Typical encryption protocols utilized by VPNs include:

  1. AES (Advanced Encryption Standard): Considered highly secure, AES utilizes symmetric encryption to protect the confidentiality of data.
  2. OpenVPN: An open-source VPN protocol known for its robust security features and flexibility, OpenVPN supports various encryption algorithms and authentication methods.


In addition to encryption, VPNs employ tunneling protocols to encapsulate and transport data across the internet securely. Tunneling involves encapsulating data packets within another packet format, effectively creating a virtual tunnel through which your encrypted data travels.

The most common tunneling protocols utilized by VPNs include:

  1. PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol): Despite being one of the earliest tunneling protocols, PPTP remains prevalent due to its simplicity and compatibility with various devices. However, its security is relatively weaker compared to newer protocols.
  2. L2TP/IPsec (Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol/IP Security): Combining the benefits of L2TP for tunneling and IPsec for encryption, this protocol offers enhanced security and is commonly used in enterprise VPN deployments.
  3. IKEv2 (Internet Key Exchange version 2): Known for its speed and reliability, IKEv2 is favored for mobile VPN connections due to its ability to seamlessly handle network changes, such as switching between Wi-Fi and mobile data.

By combining robust encryption with sophisticated tunneling protocols, VPNs ensure that your internet traffic remains confidential and secure, shielding it from prying eyes and potential threats. This seamless integration of encryption and tunneling forms the backbone of VPN technology, empowering users to browse the internet with confidence and peace of mind.

Proxy vs VPN Proxy and VPN
Proxy and VPN

Key Differences Between Proxy and VPN

Understanding the disparities between proxy servers and Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) is essential for determining which tool best suits your needs. In this section, we’ll delineate the key differences between proxies and VPNs, focusing on aspects such as security, encryption, anonymity, and compatibility.

  1. Security:
    • Proxies: While proxies offer some level of security by masking your IP address, they do not encrypt your internet traffic. As a result, your data remains vulnerable to interception by malicious actors.
    • VPNs: VPNs provide significantly higher levels of security by encrypting all outgoing and incoming data traffic. This encryption ensures that even if your internet connection is compromised, your data remains secure and inaccessible to unauthorized parties.
  2. Encryption:
    • Proxies: Proxies do not encrypt your internet traffic, meaning that the data transmitted between your device and the proxy server is not protected from interception or surveillance.
    • VPNs: VPNs utilize robust encryption protocols to encrypt your data traffic, rendering it unreadable to anyone attempting to intercept it. This encryption ensures the confidentiality and integrity of your online communications.
  3. Anonymity:
    • Proxies: Proxies primarily mask your IP address, providing a degree of anonymity when accessing websites. However, they do not encrypt your data traffic, leaving other identifying information exposed.
    • VPNs: VPNs offer enhanced anonymity by encrypting all internet traffic and masking your IP address with that of the VPN server. This comprehensive approach ensures that your online activities remain private and anonymous.
  4. Compatibility:
    • Proxies: Proxies are generally easier to set up and configure, making them compatible with a wide range of devices and applications. However, they may not be suitable for all online activities, particularly those requiring encryption.
    • VPNs: VPNs are compatible with various devices and operating systems, including desktop computers, smartphones, and routers. They offer comprehensive protection for all internet-enabled applications and services, ensuring consistent security across platforms.

Advantages of Using Proxy

Proxies offer several advantages that make them valuable tools for certain online activities. In this section, we’ll explore the benefits of using proxy servers, highlighting their utility in enhancing privacy, accessing restricted content, and improving browsing performance.

  1. IP Address Masking:
    • One of the primary advantages of using a proxy is its ability to mask your IP address. When you direct your internet traffic through a proxy server, it hides your actual IP address, making it challenging for websites to trace your online actions and whereabouts.
  2. Access to Restricted Content:
    • Proxies allow users to circumvent geo-restrictions and access content that is region-locked. By connecting to a proxy server located in a different country, users can circumvent content blocks and access websites and streaming services that may be unavailable in their region.
  3. Improved Browsing Performance:
    • Proxies can enhance browsing performance by caching frequently accessed web content. By storing copies of web pages locally, proxies reduce the time and bandwidth required to access these pages, resulting in faster load times and smoother browsing experiences.
  4. Anonymity for Specific Activities:
    • Proxies provide a degree of anonymity for specific online activities, such as web browsing or accessing online forums. While they may not offer the same level of security as VPNs, proxies can help protect your privacy and identity in certain contexts.
  5. Ease of Use and Configuration:
    • Proxies are generally easy to set up and configure, making them accessible to users with varying levels of technical expertise. Many proxy services offer user-friendly interfaces and simple setup instructions, allowing users to quickly start using proxies without extensive configuration.
  6. Cost-Effectiveness:
    • When comparing VPNs and proxies, proxies tend to be more budget-friendly, as there are numerous free proxy services catering to basic browsing requirements. While premium proxy services may require a subscription fee, they are typically more affordable than VPN subscriptions, making them an attractive option for budget-conscious users.
Proxy vs VPN
Proxy and VPN

Advantages of Using VPN

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) offer a wide array of advantages, ranging from enhanced security and privacy to unrestricted access to online content. In this section, we’ll explore the benefits of using VPNs in detail, highlighting their utility in safeguarding your online activities and ensuring a seamless browsing experience.

  1. Enhanced Security:
    • Using a VPN offers increased security as one of its main benefits. By encrypting all incoming and outgoing data traffic, VPNs protect your sensitive information from interception by hackers, government agencies, and other malicious entities.
  2. Privacy Protection:
    • VPNs offer robust privacy protection by masking your IP address and encrypting your internet traffic. This ensures that your online activities remain private and anonymous, shielding them from surveillance and tracking by ISPs, advertisers, and other third parties.
  3. Access to Restricted Content:
    • VPNs allow users to circumvent geographic restrictions and access content that is restricted to specific regions from any location worldwide. By connecting to a VPN server located in a different country, users can access websites, streaming services, and other online content that may be unavailable in their region due to censorship or licensing restrictions.
  4. Secure Remote Access:
    • VPNs provide a secure way to access private networks and resources from remote locations. Whether you’re working from home, traveling, or using public Wi-Fi networks, a VPN ensures that your connection to your company’s network remains encrypted and protected from unauthorized access.
  5. Anonymity and Untraceability:
    • VPNs offer unparalleled anonymity and untraceability for your online activities. By masking your IP address and encrypting your data traffic, VPNs make it nearly impossible for anyone to trace your online activities back to your physical location or identity.
  6. Protection Against Cyber Threats:
    • VPNs protect against various cyber threats, including malware, phishing attacks, and man-in-the-middle attacks. By encrypting your data traffic and routing it through secure VPN servers, VPNs prevent malicious actors from intercepting or tampering with your sensitive information.
  7. Bypassing Internet Censorship:
    • VPNs enable users to bypass internet censorship and access blocked websites and services in countries with strict online censorship laws. By encrypting your data traffic and routing it through VPN servers located in countries with unrestricted internet access, VPNs provide a reliable means of circumventing censorship and enjoying unrestricted access to the internet.

Disadvantages of Proxy

While proxies offer several advantages, they also come with certain limitations and drawbacks that users should be aware of. In this section, we’ll explore the disadvantages of using proxy servers, highlighting potential security risks, performance issues, and other concerns.

  1. Limited Security:
    • One of the primary disadvantages of using a proxy is its limited security capabilities. Unlike VPNs, which encrypt all data traffic, proxies do not provide encryption by default. This means that your internet activities may still be susceptible to interception and surveillance by malicious actors.
  2. Data Vulnerability:
    • Proxies do not encrypt your data traffic, leaving it vulnerable to interception and tampering by hackers, government agencies, and other third parties. This can pose significant privacy and security risks, particularly when accessing sensitive information or conducting online transactions.
  3. Reliability Issues:
    • Proxies may experience reliability issues, including downtime, connection failures, and slow performance. Free proxy services, in particular, are prone to overcrowding and bandwidth limitations, leading to sluggish browsing speeds and unreliable connections.
  4. Logging and Privacy Concerns:
    • Some proxy services may log user data, including IP addresses, browsing history, and other sensitive information. This raises concerns about privacy and data security, as these logs could potentially be accessed or exploited by third parties for malicious purposes.
  5. Limited Functionality:
    • Proxies have limited functionality compared to VPNs, particularly in terms of encryption, tunneling, and compatibility with various devices and applications. This may restrict their utility for certain online activities, such as accessing region-locked content or ensuring secure remote access to private networks.
  6. Potential for Misuse:
    • Proxies can be easily misused for illegal or unethical purposes, such as bypassing content restrictions, engaging in online piracy, or conducting malicious activities. This can lead to legal consequences, reputation damage, and other negative repercussions for both individual users and proxy service providers.
  7. Incompatibility with Secure Protocols:
    • Some secure protocols and applications may not work properly with proxies, particularly those that rely on end-to-end encryption or strict security measures. This can pose challenges for users who require secure communication channels for sensitive transactions or communications.
Proxy vs VPN
Proxy and VPN

Disadvantages of VPN

While Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) offer numerous benefits, they also come with certain drawbacks that users should consider before using them. In this section, we’ll delve into the disadvantages of VPNs, highlighting potential challenges and limitations associated with their use.

  1. Cost:
    • One of the primary disadvantages of VPNs is the cost involved. While some VPN services offer free plans, these often come with limitations such as data caps, slower speeds, or fewer server locations. Premium VPN services typically require a subscription fee, which may be a deterrent for users on a tight budget.
  2. Potential for Slower Connection Speeds:
    • VPNs can sometimes lead to slower connection speeds due to factors such as encryption overhead and routing through VPN servers. While modern VPN services strive to minimize speed reductions, users may still experience slower internet performance compared to their regular connection, particularly when connecting to distant servers.
  3. Complexity and Technical Challenges:
    • Setting up and configuring a VPN can be complex, especially for users with limited technical knowledge. Users may encounter issues such as compatibility problems, configuration errors, or difficulty troubleshooting connection issues, which can be frustrating for those unfamiliar with VPN technology.
  4. Impact on Battery Life (for Mobile Devices):
    • Using a VPN on mobile devices can have an impact on battery life, as encrypting and routing data traffic through a VPN server requires additional processing power and network resources. While the extent of the impact may vary depending on device and usage patterns, some users may notice a reduction in battery life when using a VPN.
  5. Reliability Concerns:
    • The reliability of VPN services can vary, with some providers experiencing server downtime, connectivity issues, or performance fluctuations. Users relying on VPNs for critical tasks or continuous connectivity may encounter disruptions or reliability concerns, particularly when using less established or free VPN services.
  6. Legal and Privacy Considerations:
    • While VPNs offer privacy and anonymity benefits, users should be aware of potential legal and privacy implications associated with their use. Some countries may have laws or regulations governing VPN usage, and certain activities conducted through VPNs, such as accessing restricted content or engaging in illegal activities, may still be subject to legal scrutiny.
  7. Limited Access to Certain Websites or Services:
    • In some cases, using a VPN may result in limited access to certain websites or online services. Websites and services that employ strict anti-VPN measures may block or restrict access to users connecting through VPN servers, limiting functionality or access to content for VPN users.
Proxy vs VPN
Proxy and VPN

When to Use Proxy

While proxies have their limitations, there are certain scenarios where they can be advantageous and appropriate for specific use cases. In this section, we’ll explore when it’s suitable to use a proxy server, considering factors such as anonymity requirements, browsing speed, and accessibility.

  1. Casual Browsing:
    • Proxies are well-suited for casual browsing activities where users may not require high levels of security or privacy. For example, accessing public websites, checking social media accounts, or browsing news articles can be done efficiently using a proxy server.
  2. Bypassing Geo-Restrictions:
    • Proxies are effective tools for bypassing geo-restrictions and accessing region-locked content. If you need to access streaming services, websites, or online content that is not available in your location, using a proxy server located in a different region can provide unrestricted access.
  3. Faster Connection Speeds:
    • In some cases, proxies may offer faster connection speeds compared to VPNs, particularly for tasks that do not require encryption. If you prioritize speed over security, using a proxy server can provide a faster browsing experience for activities such as streaming videos or downloading files.
  4. Content Filtering:
    • Proxies can be used for content filtering and access control in corporate or educational environments. Organizations may deploy proxies to restrict access to certain websites or content categories, ensuring compliance with acceptable use policies and mitigating security risks.
  5. Anonymous Web Surfing:
    • If you require anonymous web browsing for certain tasks, like accessing websites without disclosing your IP address or location, utilizing a proxy server can offer a level of anonymity. While proxies do not offer the same level of anonymity as VPNs, they can still mask your IP address and conceal your online activities from prying eyes.
  6. Testing and Development:
    • Proxies are valuable tools for testing and development purposes, allowing developers to simulate different IP addresses and geographic locations. By routing traffic through proxy servers, developers can test website functionality, troubleshoot network issues, and perform localization testing.
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Proxy and VPN

When to Use VPN

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) offer comprehensive security and privacy protections, making them invaluable tools for various online activities. In this section, we’ll explore scenarios where using a VPN is advantageous and recommendable, considering factors such as security requirements, privacy concerns, and access to restricted content.

  1. Sensitive Online Activities:
    • VPNs are indispensable for sensitive online activities that require high levels of security and privacy, such as online banking, shopping, and accessing confidential information. By encrypting your data traffic and masking your IP address, VPNs ensure that your sensitive information remains protected from interception by hackers or malicious entities.
  2. Public Wi-Fi Hotspots:
    • When connecting to public Wi-Fi networks, such as those in airports, cafes, or hotels, using a VPN is essential to safeguard your data from potential threats. Public Wi-Fi networks are often unsecured, making them prime targets for hackers seeking to intercept sensitive information. A VPN encrypts your data traffic, preventing unauthorized access and ensuring a secure connection to the internet.
  3. Remote Work and Telecommuting:
    • With the rise of remote work and telecommuting arrangements, VPNs have become indispensable tools for ensuring secure remote access to corporate networks and resources. By connecting to a VPN server, remote workers can securely access company servers, databases, and internal resources from anywhere in the world, without compromising security or confidentiality.
  4. Online Privacy Protection:
    • In an era of pervasive online tracking and surveillance, protecting your online privacy has never been more important. VPNs offer comprehensive privacy protection by masking your IP address, encrypting your data traffic, and preventing third parties from monitoring your online activities. Whether you’re concerned about ISP tracking, government surveillance, or intrusive advertising, using a VPN is an effective way to preserve your online privacy and anonymity.
  5. Accessing Restricted Content:
    • VPNs allow users to circumvent geographic restrictions and reach content that is locked to specific regions from any location worldwide. Whether you’re traveling abroad or living in a country with strict internet censorship laws, using a VPN allows you to access websites, streaming services, and online content that may be restricted or unavailable in your region.
  6. Torrenting and P2P File Sharing:
    • VPNs are commonly used for torrenting and peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing, providing anonymity and security for users engaging in these activities. By masking your IP address and encrypting your data traffic, VPNs protect your identity and ensure that your online activities remain private and secure while torrenting or sharing files with others.
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Proxy and VPN

Proxy vs. VPN for Streaming Services

When it comes to accessing streaming services, such as Netflix, Hulu, or BBC iPlayer, users often turn to proxies or VPNs to bypass geo-restrictions and unlock region-locked content. In this section, we’ll compare the suitability of proxies and VPNs for streaming services, considering factors such as speed, reliability, and compatibility.

  1. Proxies for Streaming Services:
    • Proxies can be effective for accessing streaming services, particularly if you prioritize speed and simplicity. Some proxies offer fast connection speeds, making them suitable for streaming high-definition video content without buffering or lag. Additionally, proxies are generally easier to set up and configure compared to VPNs, making them accessible to users with limited technical expertise.
  2. Limitations of Proxies:
    • However, proxies have certain limitations when it comes to streaming services. Many streaming platforms have implemented measures to detect and block proxy servers, making it increasingly difficult to bypass geo-restrictions using proxies alone. Additionally, proxies do not encrypt your data traffic, leaving your online activities vulnerable to interception by third parties, such as ISPs or hackers.
  3. VPNs for Streaming Services:
    • VPNs offer a more reliable and secure solution for accessing streaming services. By encrypting your data traffic and masking your IP address, VPNs ensure that your online activities remain private and anonymous while streaming. Additionally, VPNs provide access to a wider range of server locations, allowing you to bypass geo-restrictions and access region-locked content from anywhere in the world.
  4. Unblocking Geo-Restricted Content:
    • Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) are highly effective in bypassing geographical restrictions to access content on streaming platforms. With VPNs, you can connect to servers in different countries and access streaming libraries that may be unavailable in your region. Whether you’re traveling abroad or want to access exclusive content from another country, VPNs provide a reliable means of bypassing geo-restrictions and enjoying unrestricted access to streaming services.
  5. Streaming Performance:
    • While VPNs may introduce some latency due to encryption and routing through VPN servers, modern VPN services offer optimized servers specifically designed for streaming purposes. These servers prioritize speed and reliability, ensuring a seamless streaming experience without buffering or playback issues.
  6. Compatibility with Streaming Devices:
    • VPNs are compatible with a wide range of streaming devices, including smart TVs, streaming sticks, gaming consoles, and mobile devices. Most VPN providers offer dedicated apps and browser extensions that make it easy to set up and configure VPN connections on various devices, ensuring compatibility with your preferred streaming platform.
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Proxy and VPN

Proxy vs. VPN for Torrenting

Torrenting, or peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing, is a popular method for downloading and sharing large files, such as movies, music, and software. When engaging in torrenting activities, users often seek the anonymity and security provided by proxies or VPNs. In this section, we’ll compare the suitability of proxies and VPNs for torrenting, considering factors such as anonymity, security, and legal implications.

  1. Proxies for Torrenting:
    • Proxies can be used for torrenting to provide a degree of anonymity by masking your IP address. By routing your torrent traffic through a proxy server, you can conceal your true IP address from other peers in the torrent swarm, making it more difficult for copyright enforcement agencies to track your online activities.
  2. Limitations of Proxies:
    • However, proxies have certain limitations when it comes to torrenting. Most proxies do not encrypt your data traffic, leaving it vulnerable to interception by ISPs or other third parties. Additionally, proxies may not provide sufficient anonymity to protect your identity from determined adversaries, such as copyright trolls or government agencies.
  3. VPNs for Torrenting:
    • VPNs offer a more comprehensive solution for torrenting, providing both anonymity and security for your torrent activities. By encrypting your data traffic and masking your IP address, VPNs ensure that your torrent downloads remain private and anonymous, shielding them from monitoring or interception by third parties.
  4. Anonymity and Security:
    • VPNs provide a higher level of anonymity and security compared to proxies for torrenting. With VPNs, all data traffic is encrypted and routed through secure VPN servers, ensuring that your online activities remain private and protected from prying eyes. Additionally, VPNs offer a wider selection of server locations, allowing you to choose servers in torrent-friendly jurisdictions for optimal privacy protection.
  5. Legal Implications:
    • It’s important to note that while proxies and VPNs can provide anonymity for torrenting, they do not absolve users of legal responsibility for copyright infringement. Engaging in unauthorized downloading or sharing of copyrighted material may still result in legal consequences, regardless of whether you use a proxy or VPN.
  6. Torrenting Performance:
    • While VPNs may introduce some latency due to encryption and routing through VPN servers, modern VPN services offer optimized servers specifically designed for torrenting purposes. These servers prioritize speed and reliability, ensuring fast and efficient torrent downloads without compromising security or anonymity.


In conclusion, the debate between proxies and VPNs underscores the importance of understanding their respective strengths and limitations in safeguarding online activities. Proxies offer simplicity and speed for casual browsing and accessing geo-restricted content, while VPNs provide comprehensive security and privacy protections, making them essential for sensitive online transactions, remote work, and accessing restricted content.

Whether prioritizing speed, anonymity, or security, users must carefully evaluate their requirements and weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each tool. Ultimately, whether opting for the agility of a proxy or the robust security of a VPN, prioritizing online privacy and security remains paramount in navigating the digital landscape. By making informed decisions and leveraging the right tools, users can enjoy a safe, private, and unrestricted browsing experience, regardless of their online activities.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions):

  1. What is the main difference between a proxy and a VPN?
    • The main difference between a proxy and a VPN lies in their functionality and level of security. Proxies act as intermediaries between your device and the internet, primarily masking your IP address, while VPNs create a secure and encrypted connection between your device and a VPN server, ensuring comprehensive privacy and security for all online activities.
  2. Are proxies or VPNs better for accessing streaming services?
    • VPNs are generally more effective for accessing streaming services, as they provide reliable access to region-locked content and ensure privacy and security while streaming. While proxies may offer fast connection speeds, they often struggle to bypass geo-restrictions on streaming platforms.
  3. Can I use a proxy or VPN for torrenting?
    • Both proxies and VPNs can be used for torrenting to provide anonymity and security for your torrent activities. However, VPNs offer a more comprehensive solution, encrypting your data traffic and masking your IP address to ensure privacy and protection from monitoring by ISPs or copyright enforcement agencies.
  4. Are there any legal implications associated with using proxies or VPNs?
    • While proxies and VPNs can provide anonymity for online activities, including torrenting and streaming, it’s essential to remember that they do not absolve users of legal responsibility for copyright infringement or other unlawful activities. Engaging in unauthorized downloading or sharing of copyrighted material may still result in legal consequences, regardless of whether you use a proxy or VPN.
  5. Which tool should I choose, a proxy or a VPN?
    • The decision between using a proxy and a VPN relies on your particular requirements and preferences. If you require fast connection speeds and simplicity for casual browsing, a proxy may suffice. However, if privacy and security are paramount, especially for sensitive activities or accessing restricted content, a VPN is the better choice. Ultimately, evaluating your requirements and considering the advantages and disadvantages of each tool will help you make an informed decision.

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